Okay, I'm putting my eggs in two baskets: Iowa and Indiana. If I don't get in this year, I'll take a semester off, no big deal.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Changed my mind
Posted by DrH at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: depression, grad school
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
One basket
I'm putting all of my eggs in one basket for graduate school. It isn't because I think I ca get in there, or because I think it is the only place I can get in, it's money and it's what I feel is right for me. I figure that if I don't get in, it's a sign that I need to take a semester off and apply for the spring semester instead of the fall. I hope that I'm good enough to get in for next fall, but I'll have to wait and see. The three universities I was lookin at are Indiana, Iowa and Wichita State. According to things I've looked up, Wichita isn't very gay friendly, also, even though I like Goldbarth, he isn't my favorite poet. Iowa is the prize school but I don't think that I'm good enough to get in and it's money that I don't really have at this moment. Indiana is fairly gay friendly in Bloomington, it has a relatively low cost of living, and it looks like it has a really good program.
Posted by DrH at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: grad school
Monday, October 12, 2009
Just a couple of things
First, you should probably know that I'm procrastinating. I'm supposed to be writing a paper for Renaissance Drama but I'm tired and my brain isn't working correctly. I'm trying to exercise the kinks out so, here I am, writing. My paper will get done eventually. At the moment I just feel like I need to get a couple of things out of my mind. My paper isn't my biggest concern.
Posted by DrH at 4:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Posted by DrH at 12:09 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Stupid Urgent Care
Apparently, it costs a hundred and fifty dollars to be told that you need to take 4 ibuprofen three times daily.
Posted by DrH at 5:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Passive Aggressive
I'll admit it, I am very passive aggressive. I try to just let the anger go but sometimes it just catches and boils up. And then I have to keep from exploding.
Posted by DrH at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Sick and Tired
I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I've been tired for over a week. I haven't been able to get out of bed the last two days. My body aches. I think that it is four parts sickness and one part depression. It could be worse. I just don't want to get any sicker. I don't want it to develop into a full blown flu or mono or something such as that.
Posted by DrH at 3:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: sick
Saturday, September 5, 2009
The thing about angels
As a child, I was always told that the only real fundamental difference between angels and human was that angels didn't have a choice, they had to serve God, while we had the choice of whether or not we serve Him. Now that I think about it though, I don't quite buy it. Lucifer chose to rebel against God and the angels who followed him chose the same thing. Later, some angels chose to go onto Earth and have sex with women. That, supposedly, is how giants were made. It seems to me like angels have a lot of choice. Besides that we have to be on Earth before we can go to Heaven, what is the difference?
Posted by DrH at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: angels, angels vs humans
Monday, August 31, 2009
Cockroach in the ear
My mom called today and said that my aunt has a cockroach in her ear and she can't get it out. The only thing I can say is WTF?!
Posted by DrH at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: cockroach
Sunday, August 30, 2009
One of the pleasure of college is access to cable TV. Until I started college three years ago, I had never had more than ten channels. As I was reacquainting myself with the channels, I stopped on a commercial for the all new Syfy channel. I stared in horror at the screen. Syfy? Didn't they mean SciFi? Had some graphic designer infused with too much Red Bull made an error that had somehow managed to sneak by PR? No. It's just some new way to make SciFi more acceptable to the average viewer, take away the shifty pronunciations and the image as the station only geeks and nerds watch. Maybe it will be a good marketing move and other businesses will follow suit. Photographers can change their signs to market fotografy. Why not go to a groshery store? A resterant?Eat some soop, drink some cofy, and don't forget to tip the waytris on the way out.
Posted by DrH at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Something new
Well, I guess 'some new things' would be more accurate. I started a job, a student job, but a job none the less. I think my parents nearly peed themselves in excitement. I believe they think that I'm serious when I say I plan to be a bum with a shopping cart and a library card. The work is easy and fairly repetitive and it's only thirteen hours a week.
Posted by DrH at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: comics, drawing, fiction, poetry, smackjeeves
Friday, August 14, 2009
Creatively Frazzled
I have a wild imagination and I need an outlet for it. My three favorite outlets are poetry, fiction and drawing. Usually, I'll have an urge to do poetry for a while and then it will switch to writing stories. Then there are some times when I won't write a word for weeks but I'll be sketching up a storm. As long as there is balance and order (as much as there can be for a writer) everything is fine. However, once in a while I will get an idea for a story that I must write and then get inspired for a poem but have this really cool drawing I want to do. I want to do everything at once, but I can't. And I can't decide which to do. So I don't do anything. That's where I'm at right now. I have an idea for a comic that's itching at my fingertips, one story I need to rewrite, another story playing through my brain, and a poem knocking on my skull. I can't decide which to do because when I sit down to do one, I have a sudden urge to do a different one. So I can't do anything. And I have all this energy humming inside of me because it want to be let out. I do not know what to do besides amuse myself with the internet.
Posted by DrH at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Paint for Macs
The only problem with Macs is that they don't have a cool little paint program like MSPaint. How am I supposed to rise to web comic stardom if I don't have a free and easy to use paint program to beef up my original art?
Monday, August 10, 2009
I was the good kid in school, straight A valedictorian, so when I ame home my sophomore year of college with a tattoo, everybody thought I had gone wild. I hadn't. People get tattoos for different reasons: drunken stupidity, puppy love, symbolism, rebellion, art. I got mine for two reasons: 1) It meant something to me, 2) It's an amazing art form. Every time I have gotten a tattoo, it has stood for something important in my life. So, at times, I resent when people judge me because of the ink on my body. Yet, I find myself judging others with tattoos at the same time. Usually it's "I wonder how drunk he/she was when he/she got that one." But, really, who am I to judge.
Posted by DrH at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Columbia MO, Hollywood Rebel Tattoo, tattoos
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Boys Don't Cry
I heard about this movie a long time ago and my parents automatically said it was a disgusting movie that shouldn't be watched. So, of course, I put it on the list of movies I would eventually like to see. I forgot about it, but as I was cruising Netflix, it caught my eye. I put it in my que and waited anxiously for its arrival. When it finally came, I let it sit on my desk for a couple of days and forgot about it again. Then Shelly decided that she wanted to watch a movie so her, my girlfriend and I sat down with popcorn and carbonated beverages to watch it. It wasn't at all what I expected.
Posted by DrH at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: boys don't cry, homosexuality, movies, transgender
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Happy birthday to me. I didn't think I would make it this long. Congratulations to me.
Posted by DrH at 10:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
It's not a lie
I am done being broody, but I've just started being angry and self depreciating. I know that you don't understand. I hate that I can't control it. I'm all about being rational and stoic and you make me feel like an animal sometimes. I can't explain it. It frustrates me. Sometimes it hurts. I know it's natural and everybody goes through it. That doesn't make it any easier. Sometimes, I'm on edge for days. Sometimes, I only have to look at you. It really is like lava crawling through your veins and, God help me, it burns.
Posted by DrH at 11:02 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
Sometimes I'm afraid that I'm ruining my girlfriend's life. She has a really tight knit family. They sound like one cohesive unit that moves like a mob whenever one of their own is hurt or in trouble. I'm afraid that by loving her, I'm going to take that away from her.
Posted by DrH at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I'm not entirely sure what it is about me that people automatically assume that I'm a responsible leader. I don't think I am. I don't have enough guts to be the best leader. The IR I can handle. It's my baby. PC, I have no idea what I'm going to do. I'm going to have to buckle down. We'll need two service projects and we'll have to raise money. I've always hated doing that kind of stuff. I feel like other people are more capable of that than I am. I had somebody come up to me today and ask me to be president of GSA. I think a lot of people aren't involved in it because of Amayne. They think he isn't a good image for the club and a lot of people find him abrasive and to radical. I'm not going to run for president but I might vote for someone else. Kate would be a good one. I believe she has a lot of good ideas.
Posted by DrH at 10:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
I'm just a little bit sick and tired of people telling me that first relationships rarely work. Not because I don't appreciate their advice but because they don't seem to even acknowledge the fact that my relationship very well might make it. They automatically assume that it is going to fail. That bothers me. There are just so many pieces that fit, that make me believe we will last.
Posted by DrH at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Never Take Astronomy
If you go to school where I do.
Posted by DrH at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Is it too soon to feel this way?
I love my girlfriend, more than anything. I never though I'd feel so strongly about anyone as I do her. She's everything I've ever wanted in a partner, I didn't know that it was possible for someone like her to exist.
Posted by DrH at 12:33 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Take a chill pill
Sometimes, I think that my brain works far too fast. It travels in a million different directions and tries to plot actions for all the what ifs. For a long time, I didn't live my life because what if it didn't fit into the time line I had in life. I couldn't find a girlfriend because if she lived in a different town, it would never work out. When there was a possibility that she wouldn't have her parents support to come to school, I was already planning a million different ways that I could get a job and somehow support her so she could still go to school. How freakin ridiculous is that? The thought of getting a cubicle job or a food service job makes me feel like a heavy weight is resting on my chest. I can't get a job like that and be happy. I need to pull my head out of my ass and somehow manage to sell my book or get my poems published. I need to somehow strike it rich, so to speak, so I can support myself. I want to have a family some day and I'm going to need money for that too. I realize that I'm irrational. I've known that for a very long time. I suppose I'll write more later.
Posted by DrH at 10:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
I tend to be a little sarcastic
Hence the title of this blog. Though I did believe it at one point. As of now, I'm thoroughly happy with my life as an outcast of society. When they pull their heads out, I'll be waiting.
Posted by DrH at 11:29 PM 0 comments