Sunday, August 9, 2009

Boys Don't Cry

I heard about this movie a long time ago and my parents automatically said it was a disgusting movie that shouldn't be watched. So, of course, I put it on the list of movies I would eventually like to see. I forgot about it, but as I was cruising Netflix, it caught my eye. I put it in my que and waited anxiously for its arrival. When it finally came, I let it sit on my desk for a couple of days and forgot about it again. Then Shelly decided that she wanted to watch a movie so her, my girlfriend and I sat down with popcorn and carbonated beverages to watch it. It wasn't at all what I expected.

It was a good movie, but incredibly sad. I didn't expect it to have a happy ending but I still wasn't prepared to see Brandon get shot through the head. There was much more nudity than I expected as well. But, a true story is a true story. My parents were right, it was disgusting. But, not because it was about a transgendered female to male, but because there are people like the two antagonists who kill people because of their sexuality or sexual identity. What right have they to judge?
One of my father's biggest arguments against my sexuality is that someone will hurt me. That is one of my biggest fears too. He uses it as an excuse for me to change my lifestyle, for me it is the exact opposite. What is life if you can't live it? Why should I pretend to be someone I'm not because there is a possibility that some ignorant person might some day hurt me? Sometimes, I want to shake him and say, "If you're afraid of someone hurting me, make sure there are laws that protect me. If you're afraid of someone killing me, make sure all of your religious friends know that I'm not worthy of death."
Though the movie has given me troubled dreams for the last couple of days, I'm grateful that I watched it. Movies like that, make you want to do something positive to change the way things are. If, some day, my child happens to be a homosexual, I hope to be able to say that I did something in my life to make theirs better.