Friday, August 14, 2009

Creatively Frazzled

I have a wild imagination and I need an outlet for it. My three favorite outlets are poetry, fiction and drawing. Usually, I'll have an urge to do poetry for a while and then it will switch to writing stories. Then there are some times when I won't write a word for weeks but I'll be sketching up a storm. As long as there is balance and order (as much as there can be for a writer) everything is fine. However, once in a while I will get an idea for a story that I must write and then get inspired for a poem but have this really cool drawing I want to do. I want to do everything at once, but I can't. And I can't decide which to do. So I don't do anything. That's where I'm at right now. I have an idea for a comic that's itching at my fingertips, one story I need to rewrite, another story playing through my brain, and a poem knocking on my skull. I can't decide which to do because when I sit down to do one, I have a sudden urge to do a different one. So I can't do anything. And I have all this energy humming inside of me because it want to be let out. I do not know what to do besides amuse myself with the internet.