Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Slowly working through the wedding checklist

We're slowly but surely working (trying to work) through our wedding checklist. We've picked out our wedding rings and we have someone (the wonderful Katelyn) working on our invitations. We've picked out a shop to get the dresses we need from and we've priced some flowers. We've kind of scouted out a venue. We're going to look at it once more and get more information on seating before we book it. We've picked our bridesmaids and our officiant. I think we've done pretty good.
Working through our families is still difficult. I'm not sure that my dad is going to come. I respect his decision either way. I know, at this point, it's against his morals. I wish people could be more accepting. I'm thankful for the friends and acquaintances I have here. It's nice to talk to people who are excited about our wedding, instead of people who are mildly disturbed by it. I am thankful for what support I do get from my family, no matter how big or small it is.