Wednesday, January 27, 2010

On the fritz

I'm getting back on my medicine so, at times, I have bursts of incredible energy. The problem is that I have nothing to do with the energy. It feels like a giant spring coiled up inside and I feel like I need to jump around and throw things to get rid of it. I've had trouble focusing in class because of it. Usually during the few moments of calm, my mind wanders and I lose track of where I am. I'll daydream and, for a split second, think the daydream really happened until reality seeps back into my brain.
I think, even if I don't go to the gym, I'm going to get up in the morning and exercise and try to let some of the energy out. I'm trying to lose weight anyway. I'm not healthy like I should be. I'm more concerned about my health than I am about being "fat," though I wouldn't mind looking a little better. Some people are large and beautiful, I am not one of those people.
I'm not going on a diet, I'm just trying to make healthier choices: One hot dog instead of two, one glass of water in between pops, salad instead of chips, an apple instead of a honey bun. I'm not a diet kind of person. I like food too much. I could never starve myself or eat only celery. I need my cheeseburger every once in a while. I like enjoying my meals.
Hopefully things will work out. I'll be able to eat halfway normal food, gain some muscle, lose some fat, and look pretty sharp for my wedding in June and for the rest of my life.