Monday, February 22, 2010


Nothing is more aggravating then fighting with your sister because she threatens to beat you if you get your hair cut. First, she's younger than I am. Second, I'm 21 years old and not living in the same city she is. Third, it's my money. Fourth, it's my hair.
She has this unnatural fear that I'm going to turn into a man and, no matter how many times I assure her that I like my breasts and don't want a penis, she freaks out every time I do something she perceives as manly. She yells at me for not dressing girly enough and for not wearing makeup. I would like to point our that I've never, ever been girly. I've always been a tomboy. When I was five I threw a fit because my mom was making me wear a skirt to school. I've always liked jeans and tshirts and hats. I can count on one hand the number of times I've used makeup and they were all formal events. I haven't changed drastically in the last ten years. Ever since she found out I'm a lesbian, though, she freaks out of my tomboyishness. Worse than that, she accused me of doing things just to get attention. That hurt.
The truth is, I've always wanted a mohawk. I think they're cool. I like my hair shorter because I hate when it gets in my face and I hate having to pick it off of all of my clothes. I don't want to shave my head, so I figure a fauxhawk will be a nice compromise. If I look stupid, I look stupid, I'll wear a hat. If I look cool, more power to me. Either way, I've decided I'm getting my hair cut today. End of story. I'll post pictures when it's done.