Monday, October 12, 2009

Just a couple of things

First, you should probably know that I'm procrastinating. I'm supposed to be writing a paper for Renaissance Drama but I'm tired and my brain isn't working correctly. I'm trying to exercise the kinks out so, here I am, writing. My paper will get done eventually. At the moment I just feel like I need to get a couple of things out of my mind. My paper isn't my biggest concern.

Maybe that should be a problem, but it seems like life is crashing into my careful pursuit of academics. I don't like having to worry about bills and broken cars and jobs. Health and Health Insurance and things to do before graduation.
I'm really worried about her getting a job. She only has two and a half weeks left. If she doesn't get one then she has to move back to Independence. What will that do to us? But, more importantly, what will it do to her? Will she be able to grow when she's in such a tense atmosphere? Will she be able to be happy?
And then, my roommate is sick. Swine flu. Dear God, please don't let me get sick. I can't get sick again. I'm even more susceptible since my immune system is down with mono. I can't get sick.
So, that's what's bothering me today. Until later.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I was going to write a long, tedious blog complaining about life. Now I don't feel like it. Can't I just lay here and sleep?