Saturday, February 7, 2009

Take a chill pill

Sometimes, I think that my brain works far too fast. It travels in a million different directions and tries to plot actions for all the what ifs. For a long time, I didn't live my life because what if it didn't fit into the time line I had in life. I couldn't find a girlfriend because if she lived in a different town, it would never work out. When there was a possibility that she wouldn't have her parents support to come to school, I was already planning a million different ways that I could get a job and somehow support her so she could still go to school. How freakin ridiculous is that? The thought of getting a cubicle job or a food service job makes me feel like a heavy weight is resting on my chest. I can't get a job like that and be happy. I need to pull my head out of my ass and somehow manage to sell my book or get my poems published. I need to somehow strike it rich, so to speak, so I can support myself. I want to have a family some day and I'm going to need money for that too. I realize that I'm irrational. I've known that for a very long time. I suppose I'll write more later. 

Friday, February 6, 2009

I tend to be a little sarcastic

Hence the title of this blog. Though I did believe it at one point. As of now, I'm thoroughly happy with my life as an outcast of society. When they pull their heads out, I'll be waiting.